

“Remember when Nicosia had an abundance of water, wells, orchards & gardens?

Imagine reviving this feeling by creating a lush, green paradise in the heart of Nicosia for everyone”

*The initiative is now a National Champion and an International Winner through Climathon working collectively to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis



Our Values

Building Communities

Sharing experiences through a communal garden gives us the capacity to welcome everyone despite age, gender, religion and ethnicity background,  embrace our social differences and to facilitate the circulation of ideas and practices of care and hospitality.  

Circular Economy

Embracing a circular economy approach, we promote the philosophy of building from ‘waste’ and practice the loop of recycle – reuse – reduce. The design of the garden becomes an ambassador of innovative techniques around responsible farming and creates a dynamic urban food sharing ecosystem.


The garden’s aim is to be a social hub in the city and create new work opportunities for the neighbourhood and beyond. Celebrating a ‘sharing economy’ and support locals in how-to create their own gardens, grow their own food and open paths for economic freedom around agriculture activities. 

Strive for Excellence [major highlights]

2020 National winner of Climathon [global presence]
2021 Winner of Pusulas Competition [ funded by world bank group]
2022 European Winner of the New European Bauhaus Prize

Kick Starting our Crowdsourcing Campaign May 2021

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